About Us
The word that best describes Saint Junipero Serra is "Zeal". It was a spirit that came from his deep prayer and dauntless will.

Who We Are
I believe that Serrans are called to be uncommon men and women, showing to their brethren in the church and in society the source of true joy, a joy that crisis cannot destroy, a joy that cannot be driven out by pain, sorrow or apparent failure. No human ideology can give birth to such a joy. It comes from and is a person. Simple but sublime is the fact that our joy is Jesus, our Lord.
When the Serra University of Christian Principles means anything at all, it is about growth in faith and love of Christ. Serrans have much to give to the church thought and teaching, but their primary task lies in the quality and effectiveness of the impact they make in the secular milieu. Serrans have seen a vision. They are to live a fellowship for justice and human fulfillment.
~ Rev. J. Kevin Kenny
What We Believe
The spirit of Serra stems from Christian charity and love and God's admonitions, "Go teach all nations" and "Pray, therefore, to the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into His vineyard." It is developed through program participation and the spiritual works of the members.
It encourages Serrans to know each other more intimately and to grow spiritually through enduring Christian friendships. It makes Serra camaraderie one of the outstanding features of every Serra gathering including International conventions, district meetings and annual retreats.
The spirit of Serra is not something that can be shared by lectures or reading. It grows in the new member as he or she follows the example of those who are Serrans. This spirit is enhanced through continual instruction in the founding and history of Serra International as well as its aggregation to the Pontifical Work for Priestly Vocations as the only lay organization to be so honored.
The club's approach to the Serra University of Christian Principles, the club's church vocation activities and all facets of the Serra movement should be discussed as well as the life of Serra's patron, Blessed Junipero Serra, the indefatigable missionary whose philosophy was, "Always to go forward and never to turn back." Thorough and ongoing formation of current and new members is the key to the success of Serra's continued move toward the 21st century.
What We Do
~ Saint John Paul II
Serrans accept as their responsibility the promotion of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. They possess a deep appreciation of the ministerial priesthood as being essential to the Church. Serrans have been generous in offering their support to those who hear the call to serve Christ in the priesthood.