The 2021 Annual Award for Deacon of the Year was presented to Deacon Jerome Sobrowski at our Installation Mass and Dinner held on the evening of Tuesday June 8th. Deacon Jerry worked as an engineer for over 30 years at Lord Corporation. He has officially retired; however, he makes himself available when they need him. Deacon Jerry was ordained as a permanent deacon for the Diocese of Erie in 2004 and was initially assigned to St. Luke parish where he remained until 2017. Jerry then began serving at Mother of Sorrows Parish where Fr. Gerry Koos speaks highly of him. He is well-known for being friendly, reliable and a great communicator.
In addition to his normal diaconal duties Deacon Jerry is also involved with the following diocesan ministries: Deaf Ministry, RCIA, Confirmation and Faith Formation, Ministry to homebound and shut-ins, Radio Ministry (recorded and produced a Catholic Talk Radio show and podcast), previous chair of the Deacon Continuing Education Committee, current chair of the Deacon Council, assists with interviewing and selecting new deacon candidates, teaches in the deacon formation program, and is the administrator at Our Mother of Sorrows Parish where he is responsible for all parish activities and finances.
Jerry is dedicated and loyal with a long and outstanding record of service to the Erie Diocese, making it no surprise that Jerry was honored as Deacon of the Year!