The Serra Club of Erie presented the Annual Award for Layperson of the Year to June Klins. June is a wife, mother of two sons, grandmother to six grandchildren, and an amazing follower of Jesus Christ. She is spirit-filled and works tirelessly in the task that Our Lord has asked her to fulfill.
June was a math teacher and tutor until 2002 when she received an unusual request from God, via Joan Wieszczyk. Joan was no longer able to do the work of editing and publishing the monthly Spirit of Madjugorje Newsletter and decided to ask June to take her place. June agreed to take on the challenging task. Every month of the year an eight-page newsletter is written, edited, placed in layout, printed, prepared for a bulk mailing and mailed to approximately 5,000 individuals throughout the United States and in 39 countries around the world.
In all these years she has never missed publishing an issue. The work she does on this project is truly amazing. It is more than a fulltime job and as a commercial venture would require at least two, if not three people.
June spends countless hours in the adoration chapel praying for discernment as to which articles and stories about the miracles of Madjugorje the Holy Spirit wishes her to publish each month. She is also head of the apostolate called Divine Mercy for Lost Souls. Their ministry prays for those who are suicidal and for the souls of those who have committed suicide.
The love, prayer, and effort June puts into this project each month makes her a worthy and honorable recipient of our Layperson of the Year Award.