Layperson of the year for 2020 was awarded to someone very familiar to the Serra Club of Erie: board member and club secretary, Tom Guelcher. Tom has been a member of the club for 33 years!
Tom is being recognized not only for his many years of service to the Serra Club of Erie, during which time he was president (1997-98) and held a variety of different positions on the board of directors, but also for his outstanding service to the diocese of Erie and the Erie community at large.
He is currently a board member of Gannon University and Mercyhurst Prep; and a member of the Diocesan Finance Council, Retirement Fund for Religious Committee, Diocesan Investment Committee, Priests Retirement Committee, and Mercy Investment Services Investment Committee. He was a member of the founding boards of both Erie Independence House and Community Resources for Independence and served on both for several years. He also served as a member of the WQLN (PBS) and the Mercy Terrace Apartments boards.
Tom was unanimously chosen to receive the layperson of the year award by the Serra Club of Erie board of directors.
“To me Serra means two things: my spiritual life is at a different level since I became a Serran,” said Tom. “And the other thing is that it is a great place to meet and make new friends. I really appreciate being given this award. But, I think there are a lot of people more deserving of it than me.”
Tom designated that his award donation be given to the Mercy Center for Women.

Layperson of the year, Tom Guelcher
Tom Guelcher, a member of the Serra Club of Erie for 33 years, receives the Layperson of the Year award from club president, Dennis Deiner.