Members of the Serra Club of Erie gathered on Monday, November 7th to pray for deceased club members. Father Scott Jabo, club chaplain and rector of St. Mark Seminary, offered the Mass at Mary Seat of Wisdom chapel on the campus of Gannon University.
Former Serrans remembered at the Mass were: John Becker, Robert Brim, Donald Buseck, Charles Dahlkemper, William Hilbert Sr., Richard Martin, Clarence Paprocki, Robert Sambroak, Chuck Trabold, William Trice, DMD, Jerry Uht, and Jack Young.
In lieu of a regular November membership meeting, club members annually pray for the souls of deceased members as well as recently deceased priests and religious sisters.
In his homily, Father Jabo encouraged members in attendance to always keep in mind the wonderful example of faith given to us by our forebearers.

Pictured above: Dennis Deiner, Membership Vice President, read aloud the names of deceased members during the prayers of the faithful.