Members of the Serra Club of Erie attended a special Mass of Thanksgiving in honor of the many priests throughout the diocese who provided the sacraments to the faithful during the Covid pandemic.
The Mass was celebrated by Father Michael Kesicki at Gannon's Mary Seat of Wisdom chapel on Monday, August 1st, with many club members in attendance.
"It's not full appreciated," said Tom Guelcher, president of the Serra Club of Erie, "But our priests were first responders during the pandemic too. Many of them took the sacraments to the sick and dying in hospitals, nursing homes and residences, often at great risk to their own health. The Serra Club of Erie wanted to point this out and thank them by having a Mass said for them. They really are heroes and sadly in some cases, are woefully under-appreciated."
Serra is an international organization of Catholic lay men and women who vigorously respond to the call to promote and support vocations to the ministerial priesthood and consecrated life in the Catholic Church. There are Serra Clubs throughout the U.S. and in 42 different countries.